
22 декабря 2011

New Aeon of War and Darkness

 After 6 Years of Silence and Oblivion Kriegsmaschiene Grimfrost arise from the Ashes of the dying Age and Constellation of Pisces. Reborn through Legendary Beer and Kvass our herats are cle…

24 декабря 2004

Medieval Labyrinth Demo

23'th January Grimfrost has recorded their first demo, named "Medieval Labyrinth". Its contains 8 tracks and has 27 minutes long.

10 декабря 2004

In Flaschengeist Studio

Today we have started the recording of the first demo. 8 tracks of speed, atmospheric and darkened metal.

19 сентября 2007

Long play "War Metal'

And lo! We have started our new recording. First Long Play called "War Metal": 7 tracks, 28 minutes lenght. War, chaos and destruction.

29 декабря 2011

Happy New Year!

Mit uns Gott, Keiser und Faterland !

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